Semilac Uv Hybrid 284 Cooking Time 7ml

Semilac Uv Hybrid 284 Cooking Time 7ml
Category: Semilac
Code: 404284
Manufacturer: SEMILAC

Both cooking and eating meals is definitely more enjoyable than eating alone. Cook something good and sit at the common table. It's a great opportunity to talk and be together. Each of you likes different flavors? Season the dishes the way you want. A pinch of spiciness? A bit of sweets? Do the same for nails - but leave them for dessert! Which of you will be tempted by 284 Semilac Cooking Time hybrid wine chocolate-colored? This color will make your manicure seasoned with an intense note, and the gray autumn evening will prove to be surprisingly successful. Enjoy your meal and cheers!

from 10.90€
Immediately available

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