UpLac AcryGel Cover Light 50gr Hema Free

UpLac AcryGel Cover Light 50gr Hema Free
Category: UpLac
Code: 50AG05
Manufacturer: UPLAC

UpLac Acrygel is a thick material for building nails that combines the best properties of gel and acrylic resulting in very easy application and a very durable final result with great resistance to mechanical damage.


Ideal for extending, modeling, strengthening the natural nail
It polymerizes
Hard after polymerization
It has a sticky substance
It does not generate heat
It doesn't flow
Light on the nail
Easy to file

Method of application

The standard procedure for preparing the natural nail plate. (Cleaner, Optimizer, Primer,)
It is applied after Base Coat.
It is polymerized 60'' in a 48 watt Led lamp.
After polymerization, the sticky substance is removed

Temporarily unavailable
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